JUNE 4, 2011
Pursuant to the foregoing warrant, the Annual district meeting was called on June 4, 2011, 10:00 a.m. at
Becket Town Hall, 557 Main Street, Becket. The meeting was called to order at 10:11 a.m. by Joe Gaze, Chairman of the Prudential Committee. District clerk, Mary White was introduced. She noted that a quorum was present and read the call of the meeting and return of service, noting the warrant as having been duly mailed and posted. There were 20 voters present or represented by proxy.
The first order of business was the election of a moderator. Following nominations, it was moved and seconded to elect Joe Gaze as Moderator. The motion passed. The district Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Gaze. Mr. Gaze advised those present that the meeting would be conducted in accordance with our special Act and District By-Laws, and that a voice vote or a show of cards will be used when voting on an article. The following articles were voted on:
Article 1: to see if the district will vote to appropriate the following amounts to the following accounts for the balance of the 2010 fiscal year
$1,500.00 to Winter Road Maintenance
$ 92.63 to Tax Collection
$ 81.21 to Attorney’s Fee
$ 500.00 to Entranceway Maintenance
$ 571.16 to General Road Maintenance
and to fund the appropriation by transferring $2,745.00 from Free Cash.
Prudential Committee recommends Majority Vote Required
Article 1 was moved and seconded. In response to a question, the Treasurer explained that the items in article 1. Were for accounting purposes to balance the appropriations for F.Y. 2011. A vote was taken, and Article one passed unanimously.
Article 2: To see if the District will vote to appropriate $5089.84 to the General Road Maintenance account for the balance of the 2011 fiscal year and to fund the appropriation by transferring $5,089.84 from Overlay Surplus.
Prudential Committee Recommends Majority Vote Required
Article 2 was moved and seconded. A vote was taken, and Article Two passed unanimously.
Article 3: to see if the district will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of money as needed for the operating budget for FY 2012 and to fix the salaries and compensation of all elected offices as follows:
Account Amount
Major Improvements $12,000.00
General Road Maintenance $24,500.00
Winter Road Maintenance $17,000.00
Tax Collection $ 300.00
Town Officials $ 2,800.00
Superintendants Salary $ 5,000.00
Superintendants Expenses $ 100.00
Clerks Salary $ 2,000.00
Treasurers Salary $ 3,000.00
District Office Expenses $ 2,350.00
Prudential Committee Expenses $ 300.00
Attorneys Fee $ 300.00
General Reserve Account $ 1,000.00
Stabilization Account $ 1,000.00
Insurance, Bonding & Withholding $ 3,000.00
Entranceway Maintenance $ 1,200.00
Lake Maintenance $ 12,000.00
Total $87,850.00
Prudential committee Recommends 2/3 Vote Required
Article 3 was moved and seconded. After some questions concerning Entrance Way maintenance, the repairs needed to Long Bow West (this should be done within the next two weeks or so),the hiring of the diver pulling weeds in the lakes by individuals ( if individuals want to hire the diver, they should contact Jeff Kotkin), what the priority was for doing the lakes(a list of priorities was based on recommendations from Aquatic Control) and what can residents on Ward Pond do about their weeds (they will have to contact the Conservation Committee, since Ward Pond is not our responsibility); which were all answered satisfactorily by the Prudential Committee, a vote was taken, and Article Three passed unanimously.
Article 4: To entertain nominations and to cast their votes in the District election to fill vacancies of District officers as follows:
1 Member Prudential Committee, 3-year term (Part Time Resident)
2 Member Prudential Committee, 3-year term (Full Time Resident)
Majority Vote Required
Article 4: Nominations were moved and seconded for the following opening:
1 Member Prudential Committee- 3 year term (Part Time Resident) Terry Hayden
1 Member Prudential Committee- 3 year term (Part Time Resident) John Kammerman
There being no further nominations, nominations were closed.
John and Terry were asked to give their reasons why they wanted to serve on the Prudential Committee.
It was moved and seconded to vote, by paper ballot, on the 3 year term (Part Time Resident).
A vote was taken and Terry Hayden was elected by a majority vote.
A nomination was then made and seconded for the following opening:
2 Member Prudential Committee - 3-year term (Full Time Resident) John Kammerman
There being no further nominations, nominations were closed.
There were questions as to whether John could be considered a full time resident, since he maintains a home elsewhere. After much discussion, Jeanne Pryor moved to table the election of Full Time Resident at this time, and the Prudential Committee could consider appointing him temporarily until they find out, legally, the definition of full and part time at the meeting following the Annual District Meeting.
The motion to nominate John Kammerman was withdrawn. The motion to table was seconded, and passed unanimously.
Article 5: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $21,980.00 for the FY 2012 payment of the loan approved by the District for the Long Bow LNE and Shuttlecock DR projects.
Prudential Committee Recommends Majority Vote Required
Article 5 was moved and seconded. A vote was taken and Article 5 passed unanimously.
It was then realized that we had overlooked a candidate for one full time member of the Prudential Committee. David Neelon wished to be re-elected. Article 4 was then re-opened.
A motion was made and seconded to elect David Neelon to a three year term (Full Time Resident).
A vote was taken, and David Neelon was elected unanimously.
In closing, Ms. Rodriguez observed that this meeting was a wonderful lesson in democracy, and thanked everyone on the board, those interested on serving on the board and everyone for their hard work.
Mr. Kammerman volunteered to assemble a list of property owners with E-Mail addresses where possible. The clerk will furnish him with a list of names and addresses.
Richard Pryor gave an up-dated report of area break-ins with a description of the vehicle possibly used, so that residents will be aware of these.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White,
District Clerk